Coming Concerts


2024 Chamber Series

Baroque Music meets Philosophy!

Continuing on from the successful melding of Australian Poetry and Baroque Music last year, Apeiron continues to pair unlikely and interesting combinations of topics with our Early Music performances. Clear and obvious connections are easy, but it is the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated ideas that produce the true leaps in understanding!

Explore and absorb Philosophical ideas of Travel and Change, presented by Drew Ninnis, whilst listening to Early Music presented by Apeiron Baroque, John Ma and Marie Searles.

WHERE: Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest, ACT

WHEN: 9th June 2024, 4pm.


2024 Early Music Chamber Series

  • "Shipwrecked" (21st April, 4pm), featuring Tobias Cole and a bunch of familiar Canberran string players!
  • "Travel and Change" (9th June, 4pm), featuring Drew Ninnis!
  • "Hammer Tech" (18th August, 4pm), featuring Marie Searles!
  • "Sanguine/Melancholy" (10th November, 4pm ), featuring Ella Bennetts, Anton Baba, and Aaron Reichelt!

  Ticketing available soon, please join our mailing list or follow us on Facebook to be notified!

"Oh, what a wonderful concert this evening… thank you for the exquisite music!"

“... devestatingly capable players.”

"Thanks for such a vibrant performance. Loved the dance, the background info, and the banter!"

"...the joy is contagious!"

"...for the music lovers who had come to listen to Apeiron, there was plenty to delight"

"Thank you for a truly FANTASTIC concert!! The dancing was lovely, & the music went from touchingly poignant to hair-raisingly exciting!!"

"...entertaing introductions to works... humourous anecdotes in a friendly and relaxing style."

"...wonderful rhythmic precision... a most enjoyable concert"

"The concert was a real delight... a wonderful mix of energy and lightness and joy."

What is Apeiron?


We owe the concept of apeiron(ἀπείρων) to the ancient Greeks. Living so close to the elements, they experienced constant turmoil. Nothing was taken for granted – as states rose and fell, and war was constant, while plagues and natural disasters were frequent visitors.

Yet, like us, they experienced beauty and joy. It told them that no matter how fleeting a moment was, it must contain within it a spark of truth. Something that lasts beyond the flux of the everyday and transcends it. As their philosophers paced the agora, they argued over which elements composed this truth – was it fire? Water? Ideas? Man himself?