

Apeiron Baroque: Too Many Strings

4th August 2024 (5pm)

“Ein schónes Lied von rechten Meistern, Kann Herze, Leib und Seel’ begeistern”
A beautiful song from the right teacher can inspire the heart, body, and soul.

The story of western music history is a story of mentorship. In MAGNIFICAT, the full gamut of Luminescence singers join forces with Aperion Baroque to trace the musical lineage of baroque composers, presenting gems from the Italian Renaissance and the Baroque era, and paying homage to the composers of the Ospedali Schools of Venice, where young singers studied under the tutelage of Italy’s finest musicians. Luminescence Children’s Choir performs Nicola Porpora’s Magnificat, and our youngest singers (Holiday Program participants) take to the stage in Christoph Ludwig Fehre’s 1751 Cantata ‘Der Schulmeister in der Singschule’ (The school master in the singing school), a comic piece about unruly students and their teacher’s efforts to control his class.

Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest, Canberra. 

Sunday 4th August, 2024 (5pm)


Claudio MONTEVERDI - Beatus Vir, SV268 (1630)

Claudio MONTEVERDI - Duo Seraphim (Vespers of 1610)

Giovanni Battista REALI - Folia (Trio Sonatas Opus 1, c.1709)

Francesco CAVALLI - Lauda Jerusalem (Musiche sacre, 1656)

Nicola PORPORA - Magnificat in A Minor (1745)

Heinrich Ignaz Franz BIBER - Sonata Representativa (c.1699)

Christoph Ludwig FEHRE - Komische Kantata: Der Schulmeister in Der SingSchule (1751)


Young voices tackle old Italian music

"singers and instrumentalists impressed with their haunting performance of this beautiful work."

"a fine performance, especially the very lively finale."

"...a delightful change of pace..."


Writer: Len Power; CBR CityNews (4th August 2024)

Choral weekend 3

"This was excellent... they indulged to the hilt."

"Apeiron were a wonderful match as capable and accurate and historically apt and often amusing to boot."

"This was a gig of great quality and energy and aptness and humour and just a huge pleasure."

Writer: Eric Pozza; Canberra Jazz Blog (9th August 2024)